Setting up Vendor Services
This guide will assist you with setting up the services that you provide to your partners.
Please ensure you've followed the Getting Started guide before proceeding.
Get Vendor
Get Vendor API Call will allow you to verify that your connection to the API has been successful, and will display the services that exist for the vendor.
Create Service for a Vendor
Once you've confirmed that your connection to the API is working, you will need to create the services that you provide to your partners.
For Example, if you as a vendor provide security-related products, you may need the following services.
- Antivirus
- DNS Filtering
- Endpoint Detection and Response
Once all your services have been created, performing the Get Vendor API call will display all the services, so you can verify that everything is accurate.
Update Vendor Service
If you find that there was a mistake with one of the services created, you can update the service accordingly.
Get Vendor Service
Get Vendor Service API call will allow you to gather additional information on a specific service. This API call requires a serviceId which can be found through the Get Vendor API call.
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Updated 22 days ago
Now that you've set up your vendor services, we recommend you build the connection to a partner environment.