Alerts Module
Please ensure you've finished setting up your vendor services and connecting to partner environment before proceeding.
First steps
As a Vendor, you will need to create and manage the services that you offer. Once complete, MSP partners will connect to your integration. Then, the Synthesize API will accept a list of their clients. Finally, the MSP will map their clients and their service offerings to yours within Synthesize.
After your integration is configured, partners will start to see alerts trickle into their PSA.
Best Practice
Add a Test Alert button allowing partners to quickly confirm Alerts are working after configuring the integration.
Add an Alert to the alerting queue
The Add an alert to the alerting queue API call will send an alert through the Synthesize Alerts Module, where it will be created as a ticket within the MSPs PSA.
Checks if a ticket created is from the sent alert
The [Checks if a ticket created is from the sent alert API Call will allow you to see whether or not an Alert was successfully created
That was flocking easy! This Add an Alert to the queue is the only call. Let the Alerts flow!
Updated 20 days ago